Updated: 2022/Sep/29

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ES384_PK_NEW(3)            Library Functions Manual            ES384_PK_NEW(3)

     es384_pk_new, es384_pk_free, es384_pk_from_EC_KEY,
     es384_pk_from_EVP_PKEY, es384_pk_from_ptr, es384_pk_to_EVP_PKEY - FIDO2
     COSE ES384 API

     #include <openssl/ec.h>
     #include <fido/es384.h>

     es384_pk_t *

     es384_pk_free(es384_pk_t **pkp);

     es384_pk_from_EC_KEY(es384_pk_t *pk, const EC_KEY *ec);

     es384_pk_from_EVP_PKEY(es384_pk_t *pk, const EVP_PKEY *pkey);

     es384_pk_from_ptr(es384_pk_t *pk, const void *ptr, size_t len);

     EVP_PKEY *
     es384_pk_to_EVP_PKEY(const es384_pk_t *pk);

     ES384 is the name given in the CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE)
     RFC to ECDSA over P-384 with SHA-384.  The COSE ES384 API of libfido2 is
     an auxiliary API with routines to convert between the different ECDSA
     public key types used in libfido2 and OpenSSL.

     In libfido2, ES384 public keys are abstracted by the es384_pk_t type.

     The es384_pk_new() function returns a pointer to a newly allocated, empty
     es384_pk_t type.  If memory cannot be allocated, NULL is returned.

     The es384_pk_free() function releases the memory backing *pkp, where *pkp
     must have been previously allocated by es384_pk_new().  On return, *pkp
     is set to NULL.  Either pkp or *pkp may be NULL, in which case
     es384_pk_free() is a NOP.

     The es384_pk_from_EC_KEY() function fills pk with the contents of ec.  No
     references to ec are kept.

     The es384_pk_from_EVP_PKEY() function fills pk with the contents of pkey.
     No references to pkey are kept.

     The es384_pk_from_ptr() function fills pk with the contents of ptr, where
     ptr points to len bytes.  The ptr pointer may point to an uncompressed
     point, or to the concatenation of the x and y coordinates.  No references
     to ptr are kept.

     The es384_pk_to_EVP_PKEY() function converts pk to a newly allocated
     EVP_PKEY type with a reference count of 1.  No internal references to the
     returned pointer are kept.  If an error occurs, es384_pk_to_EVP_PKEY()
     returns NULL.

     The es384_pk_from_EC_KEY(), es384_pk_from_EVP_PKEY(), and
     es384_pk_from_ptr() functions return FIDO_OK on success.  On error, a
     different error code defined in <fido/err.h> is returned.

     eddsa_pk_new(3), es256_pk_new(3), fido_assert_verify(3),
     fido_cred_pubkey_ptr(3), rs256_pk_new(3)

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