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SQLITE3SESSION_PATCHSET(3)                            Library Functions Manual

     sqlite3session_patchset - generate a patchset from a session object

     #include <sqlite3.h>

     sqlite3session_patchset(sqlite3_session *pSession, int *pnPatchset,
         void **ppPatchset);

     The differences between a patchset and a changeset are that:

        DELETE records consist of the primary key fields only.  The original
         values of other fields are omitted.

        The original values of any modified fields are omitted from UPDATE

     A patchset blob may be used with up to date versions of all
     sqlite3changeset_xxx API functions except for sqlite3changeset_invert(),
     which returns SQLITE_CORRUPT if it is passed a patchset.  Similarly,
     attempting to use a patchset blob with old versions of the
     sqlite3changeset_xxx APIs also provokes an SQLITE_CORRUPT error.

     Because the non-primary key "old.*" fields are omitted, no
     SQLITE_CHANGESET_DATA conflicts can be detected or reported if a patchset
     is passed to the sqlite3changeset_apply() API.  Other conflict types work
     in the same way as for changesets.

     Changes within a patchset are ordered in the same way as for changesets
     generated by the sqlite3session_changeset() function (i.e. all changes
     for a single table are grouped together, tables appear in the order in
     which they were attached to the session object).

     These declarations were extracted from the interface documentation at
     line 11246.

     SQLITE_API int sqlite3session_patchset(
       sqlite3_session *pSession,      /* Session object */
       int *pnPatchset,                /* OUT: Size of buffer at *ppPatchset */
       void **ppPatchset               /* OUT: Buffer containing patchset */

NetBSD 10.99                    August 24, 2023                   NetBSD 10.99