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LIBSASLC(3)                Library Functions Manual                LIBSASLC(3)

     libsaslc, saslc.d, saslc_alloc, saslc_end, saslc_init, saslc_sess_init,
     saslc_sess_end, saslc_sess_getprop, saslc_sess_setprop, saslc_sess_cont,
     saslc_sess_decode, saslc_sess_encode, saslc_sess_getmech,
     saslc_sess_strerror, saslc_strerror - Simple Authentication and Security
     Layer client library

     Simple Authentication and Security Layer client library (libsaslc,

     #include <saslc.h>

     saslc_t *

     saslc_end(saslc_t *ctx);

     saslc_init(saslc_t *ctx, const char *appname, const char *cfgpath);

     saslc_sess_t *
     saslc_sess_init(saslc_t *ctx, const char *mechs, const char *secopts);

     saslc_sess_end(saslc_sess_t *sess);

     const char *
     saslc_sess_getprop(saslc_sess_t *sess, const char *key);

     saslc_sess_setprop(saslc_sess_t *sess, const char *key,
         const char *value);

     saslc_sess_cont(saslc_sess_t *sess, const void *in, size_t inlen,
         void* *out, size_t *outlen);

     saslc_sess_decode(saslc_sess_t *sess, const void *in, size_t inlen,
         void* *out, size_t *outlen);

     saslc_sess_encode(saslc_sess_t *sess, const void *in, size_t inlen,
         void* *out, size_t *outlen);

     const char *
     saslc_sess_getmech(saslc_sess_t *sess);

     const char *
     saslc_sess_strerror(saslc_sess_t *sess);

     const char *
     saslc_strerror(saslc_t *ctx);

     The libsaslc library offers a client interface for the Simple
     Authentication and Security Layer (SASL).  The library is heavily
     influenced by its use with postfix(1).

     The following functions are available in the library.

              The saslc_alloc() function allocates and returns a new saslc
              context.  The context is uninitialized: see saslc_init().
              Returns NULL on error.

              The saslc_end() function destroys and deallocate resources used
              by the context ctx.  The context shouldn't have any sessions
              assigned to it.  Returns 0 on success and -1 if the context has
              active sessions and cannot be deallocated.

     saslc_init(ctx, appname, cfgpath)
              The saslc_init() function initializes the saslc context ctx.
              Based on the application name appname, it also parses the
              configuration files as indicated by cfgpath, sets up the context
              and mechanism dictionaries, and creates mechanism list for the
              context.  If cfgpath is NULL, it checks the environment variable
              SASLC_CONFIG for a location and if that is not found it uses the
              default path /etc/saslc.d.  Returns 0 on success and -1 on

     saslc_sess_init(ctx, mechs, secopts)
              The saslc_sess_init() function creates new session assigned to
              the ctx context.  The function chooses the mechanism to use for
              authentication from the mechs list taking into account the
              requirements from the secopts list.  Both lists may be space or
              comma delimited.  The first matching mechanism from the mechs
              list is used.  See CONFIGURATION below for the supported
              mechanisms.  The valid security options are

                    "noanonymous"    reject anonymous mechanisms
                    "noplaintext"    reject plaintext mechanisms
                    "nodictionary"   reject mechanisms prone to dictionary
                    "noactive"       reject mechanisms prone to active non-
                                     dictionary attacks
                    "mutual"         require mutual authentication mechanisms

              Unknown security options are ignored.  Returns a session handle
              or NULL on error or no match.

              The saslc_sess_end() function ends the sasl session sess.  It
              destroys and deallocates all internal resources.  This does not

     saslc_sess_getprop(sess, key)
              The saslc_sess_getprop() function gets the property indicated by
              the key from the saslc dictionaries.  Dictionaries are searched
              in following order: session sess dictionary, context dictionary
              (global configuration), and mechanism dictionary.  Returns the
              property value or NULL if the property is not found.

     saslc_sess_setprop(sess, key, value)
              The saslc_sess_setprop() function sets the property indexed by
              key to the value value in the session sess dictionary.  If the
              property already exists in the session dictionary, then the
              previous value is replaced by the new value.  If value is NULL,
              then any previous value in the session dictionary is removed.
              Returns 0 on success or -1 on failure.

     saslc_sess_cont(sess, in, inlen, out, outlen)
              The saslc_sess_cont() function performs one step of the sasl
              authentication.  It reads inlen bytes of input data (from the
              server) from the in buffer and stores outlen bytes of output
              data in out (for the server).  The user is responsible for
              freeing memory allocated for out.  It returns 0 if the
              authentication process is completed, 1 if another step is
              required, and -1 on error.  Note that the completion of
              authentication process does not mean the client is
              authenticated; that is determined by the server.

     saslc_sess_decode(sess, in, inlen, out, outlen)
              The saslc_sess_encode() and saslc_sess_decode() functions are
              used to provide the integrity ("auth-int") and  confidentiality
              ("auth-conf") layers for mechanisms that provide them.  They
              encode and, respectively, decode inlen bytes of data from the in
              buffer using the method negotiated during authentication.  On
              error they return -1.  Otherwise, they return the number of
              bytes consumed from in and output outlen bytes of data in the
              out buffer.  The user is responsible for freeing memory
              allocated for out.  If outlen is 0, more data is needed before
              anything can be output.  Unused input data is stored internally
              for use in subsequent calls.

              When decoding, the internal buffers can only be flushed by
              providing the missing packet data and it is an error to call
              ssalc_sess_decode() with inlen = 0.  The first call of
              saslc_sess_decode() in a session must begin at the start of a
              packet.  Subsequent calls need not be aligned on packet

     saslc_sess_encode(sess, in, inlen, out, outlen)
              As described above, saslc_sess_encode() encodes inlen bytes of
              data from the in buffer.  Note that unlike when decoding, the
              internal buffer may be flushed through the encoder by calling
              saslc_sess_encode() with inlen = 0.  In this case,
              saslc_sess_encode() returns the number of bytes that were
              flushed from the internal buffer.

              The saslc_sess_getmech() function returns the name of the
              mechanism used in the session sess.  The function does not fail.

              The saslc_sess_strerror() returns the error message associated
              with the session sess.

              The saslc_strerror() function operates as saslc_sess_strerror(),
              but instead returns the error message string for the last error
              in the context ctx.  Neither function will ever return NULL.

     The library uses three types of dictionaries: context (or global),
     session, and mechanism, and they are searched in that order by
     saslc_getprop() and the first matching entry is taken.  The context and
     mechanism dictionaries are loaded from configuration files, while the
     session dictionary is loaded by the caller via saslc_setprop().

     The configuration file <cfgpath>/<appname>/saslc.conf is used for the
     context configuration.  The <cfgpath>/<appname>/mech/<mechanism>.conf
     file is used for the mechanism configuration.  The <cfgpath> is
     /etc/saslc.d by default, but this may be overridden by the environment
     variable SASLC_CONFIG, which in turn may be overridden by saslc_init().
     The <appname> is saslc by default, but may also be overridden by
     saslc_init().  Finally, the <mechanism> is the mechanism in use by the
     session as returned by saslc_sess_getmech().  Note that this name is case
     sensitive.  The currently supported mechanisms are

           ANONYMOUS   See RFC 2245 and RFC 4505.

           CRAM-MD5    See RFC 2195.

           DIGEST-MD5  See RFC 2831.

           EXTERNAL    See RFC 2222 section 7.4 and RFC 4422 appendix A.

           GSSAPI      See RFC 2222 section 7.2 and RFC 4752.  This requires
                       GSS, Heimdal, or MIT Kerberos.

           LOGIN       Non-standard, but common.

           PLAIN       See RFC 2595 and RFC 4616.

     If any of the mechanism files are missing they are silently ignored,
     unless debugging is enabled.

     The configuration files consists of lines of the form:

           # comment line
           <key>    <value>    [# comment]

     The <key> is a string beginning with an alpha character (isalpha(3))
     followed by any number of alpha numeric (isalnum(3)) or underscore `_'
     characters; this is case sensitive.  The <value> is a number or a quoted
     string.  More than one <key> and <value> pair may occur on a single line,
     but they may not be broken across lines.  A `#' character (outside a
     quoted string) indicates that the rest of the line is a comment.

     NOTE: Currently, no escaping is supported in strings, so they may not
     contain quotes.  Numbers must be between 0 and LLONG_MAX, inclusive.  Any
     base supported by strtoll(3) is allowed.

     Most of the control of the library behavior is done via setting various
     properties in the context or mechanism dictionaries via the configuration
     files or in the session dictionary with saslc_setprop().  The following
     properties are currently used, as defined in saslc.h:

             The authentication name (or username) to authenticate with.  Used
             by all mechanisms except EXTERNAL.

             The authorization string to use.  By default, this string is
             empty.  Used by the DIGEST-MD5, EXTERNAL, and PLAIN mechanisms.

             If true ("true", "yes", or nonzero), then input and output
             strings are base64 encoded.  Any other value is false and the
             input and output strings are not base64 encoded.  By default,
             this is assumed true.  Used by all mechanisms.

             The mask of ciphers to use with the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism when
             using the "auth-conf" QOP.  By default all supported ciphers are
             used, but they may be limited by a comma delimited list of cipher
             names.  The recognized cipher names for DIGEST-MD5 are:

                   3des    Triple-DES Cipher in CBC "two keys" mode with 112
                           bit key
                   aes     AES Cipher in CBC mode with 128 bit key
                   des     DES Cipher in CBC mode with 56 bit key
                   rc4     RC4 Cipher with 128 bit key
                   rc4-40  RC4 Cipher with 40 bit key
                   rc4-56  RC4 Cipher with 56 bit key

             The default value is "des,3des,rc4,rc4_40,rc4_56,aes".  (Note
             that "aes" is not part of the official standard.) Used by the
             DIGEST-MD5 mechanism.

             If true, then enable debug messages.  This is implemented as a
             global variable so it will affect all sessions.  If set via
             saslc_sess_setprop(), it should be set before the first call to
             saslc_sess_cont().  (Also see the environment variable
             SASLC_ENV_DEBUG in the ENVIRONMENT section below.)

             The fully qualified domain name of the server host.  Used by the
             DIGEST-MD5 and GSSAPI mechanisms.

             The size of the decode buffer.  This info is sent to the server
             so that it doesn't send packets that won't fit in the decode
             buffer when decoded.  Used by the DIGEST-MD5 and GSSAPI

             The password to authenticate with.  Used by the CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-
             MD5, LOGIN, and PLAIN mechanisms.

             The mask of QOP (quality of protection) to use with the DIGEST-
             MD5 and GSSAPI mechanisms.  By default all supported QOP values
             are allowed, but they may be limited by a comma delimited list of
             QOP values.  The recognized QOP values are:

                   auth    authentication only
                           authentication with integrity
                           authentication with confidentiality

             so the default value of the mask is "auth,auth-int,auth-conf".
             Used by the DIGEST-MD5 and GSSAPI mechanisms.

             A comma delimited list of possible realms to use for
             authentication.  The format of each element in the list is
             "[<hostname>:]<realm>".  The user specified realm is the first
             realm in the list with a matching hostname or, if none is found,
             the first realm in the list with no hostname.  If the server
             provides a list of realms, the one matching the user specified
             realm is selected.  If no match is found or if the user didn't
             provide a realm, the first realm provided by the server is
             selected.  If the server doesn't provide any realms, use the user
             specified realm if there is one, or the hostname if not.  This is
             useful when the server provides multiple realms or no realm.
             Used by the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism.

             A comma delimited list of extra security option flags that will
             be "or"-ed together with those passed to saslc_sess_init().
             Since these flags are used to choose the session mechanism, they
             are only effective if they are in the context configuration file.
             (See the CONFIGURATION section and the saslc_sess_init()

             The service being used, e.g., smtp, imap, etc.  Used by the
             DIGEST-MD5 and GSSAPI mechanisms.

             A comma delimited list of possible service names with elements of
             the form "[<hostname>:]<serv-name>" and with the same rules as
             for the SASLC_PROP_REALM list.  This should only be used if the
             client uses a DNS name for the service that is different from the
             FQDN of the server.  For example, the service name example.com
             might resolve (via SRV or MX records) into a set of other DNS
             names, one of which, mail3.example.com, is the FQDN of the
             server.  (See RFC 2831 section 2.1.2 "serv-name".) Used by the
             DIGEST-MD5 mechanism.

     The defines in saslc.h should be used in code, but their values need to
     be used in the config files.

     The following environment variables (defined in saslc.h) affect the
     behavior of the library:

             If the environment variable SASLC_CONFIG is set it overrides the
             default configuration file location of /etc/saslc.d.  This may be
             overridden by saslc_init().

             If set, turn on debugging messages.  This turns on debugging as
             early as possible and is a global setting.

     The following is a minimal (Heimdal) Kerberos 5 setup for use with an
     smtp server that has been configured to support SASL with the GSSAPI
     mechanism.  It assumes that Kerberos and the smtp server will both run on
     server.my.domain and that the client is on client.my.domain.  It also
     assumes that the smtp server runs as user postfix and group mail, and
     that it is not chrooted.

     On server.my.domain run the following script as root and then start the
     Kerberos server kdc(8).  You will be prompted for a master password for
     Kerberos and a password for the postfix principal.


           cat <<- EOF >> /etc/krb5.conf
                   default_realm = MY.DOMAIN
                   MY.DOMAIN = {
                           kdc = server.my.domain
                           admin_servers = server.my.domain
                   .my.domain = MY.DOMAIN

           mkdir /var/heimdal
           chown root:wheel /var/heimdal
           chmod 755 /var/heimdal

           kadmin -l init --realm-max-ticket-life=unlimited \
                          --realm-max-renewable-life=unlimited \
           kadmin -l add  --max-ticket-life="1 day" \
                          --max-renewable-life="1 week" \
                          --expiration-time=never \
                          --pw-expiration-time=never \
                          --attributes="" \
           kadmin -l add  --random-key \
                          --max-ticket-life="1 day" \
                          --max-renewable-life="1 week" \
                          --expiration-time=never \
                          --pw-expiration-time=never \
                          --attributes="" \
           kadmin -l ext -k /etc/krb5.keytab smtp/server.my.domain
           chown root:mail /etc/krb5.keytab
           chmod 640 /etc/krb5.keytab

     Note that the keytab /etc/krb5.keytab must be readable by the smtp server
     or authentication will fail.  The location of this keytab file may be
     changed with the environment variable KRB5_KTNAME.  If postfix is the
     smtp server, note the import_environment parameter (see postconf(5)).

     On client.my.domain copy the keytab file from
     server.my.domain:/etc/krb5.keytab to /etc/krb5.keytab.  Setup the
     /etc/saslc.d configuration directory (see CONFIGURATION above).  Add the

           AUTHCID         "postfix"

     to the file /etc/saslc.d/postfix/mech/GSSAPI.conf so that the postfix
     principal will be used for authentication.  Enable SASL in the smtp
     client.  Assuming the smtp client is postfix, you will need to add the
     following to the /etc/postfix/main.cf file to do this:

           smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
           smtp_sasl_type = saslc
           smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = GSSAPI
           relayhost = [server.my.domain]:submission

     Here we have assumed the submission port is the port the server is
     listening to.  Finally, as root, run the command

           su -m postfix -c kinit

     to obtain a ticket for the postfix user with the postfix credential and
     you should be good to go!


     The following code fragments illustrate the possible use of the functions
     described above.

     decode_stream(saslc_sess_t *sess, int fdin, int fdout)
             uint8_t buf[BUFSIZE];
             uint8_t *in;
             void *out;
             size_t inlen, outlen;
             ssize_t n, rval;

             for (;;) {
                     if ((rval = read(fdin, buf, sizeof(buf))) == -1)
                             return -1;
                     if (rval == 0)
                     in = buf;
                     inlen = rval;
                     while (inlen > 0) {
                             rval = saslc_sess_decode(sess, in, inlen, &out,
                             if (rval == -1)
                                     return -1;
                             if (outlen > 0) {
                                     n = write(fdout, out, outlen);
                                     if (n == -1)
                                             return -1;
                             in += rval;
                             inlen -= rval;
             return 0;

     encode_stream(saslc_sess_t *sess, int fdin, int fdout)
             uint8_t buf[BUFSIZE];
             uint8_t *in;
             void *out;
             size_t inlen, outlen;
             ssize_t n, rval;

             for (;;) {
                     if ((rval = read(fdin, buf, sizeof(buf))) == -1)
                             return -1;
                     if (rval == 0)
                     in = buf;
                     inlen = rval;
                     while (inlen > 0) {
                             rval = saslc_sess_encode(sess, in, inlen, &out,
                             if (rval == -1)
                                     return -1;
                             if (outlen > 0) {
                                     n = write(fdout, out, outlen);
                                     if (n == -1)
                                             return -1;
                             in += rval;
                             inlen -= rval;
             /* flush internal encoder buffer */
             if (saslc_sess_encode(sess, NULL, 0, &out, &outlen) == -1)
                     return -1;
             if (outlen > 0)
                     if (write(fdout, out, outlen) == -1)
                             return -1;
             return 0;

     There exist other SASL client library implementations including Cyrus
     SASL (http://asg.web.cmu.edu/sasl/sasl-library.html) and GNU SASL

     RFC 2195, RFC 2222, RFC 2245, RFC 2595, RFC 2831, RFC 4422, RFC 4505, RFC
     4616, RFC 4752.

     The libsaslc library appeared in NetBSD 6.0.

     The API was heavily influenced by its use with postfix(1).

     mechanisms have been tested and shown to work for authentication with a
     postfix(1) SMTP server using the cyrus-sasl library.  LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-
     MD5, and DIGEST-MD5 have also been tested and shown to work with a
     postfix(1) SMTP server using a dovecot backend for authentication.  The
     DIGEST-MD5 and GSSAPI specs also provide for integrity and
     confidentiality layers via the saslc_sess_encode() and
     saslc_sess_decode() routines, but these have not yet been tested against
     any servers.

NetBSD 10.99                      May 3, 2015                     NetBSD 10.99