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RUMPHIJACK(3)              Library Functions Manual              RUMPHIJACK(3)

     rumphijack - System call hijack library

     used by ld.so(1)

     The ld.so(1) runtime linker can be instructed to load rumphijack between
     the main object and other libraries.  This enables rumphijack to capture
     and redirect system call requests to a rump kernel instead of the host

     The behaviour of hijacked applications is affected by the following
     environment variables:

            If present, this variable specifies which system calls should be
            hijacked.  The string is parsed as a comma-separated list of
            "name=value" tuples.  The possible lefthandside names are:

            "path"       Pathname-based system calls are hijacked if the path
                         the system call is directed to resides under value.
                         In case of an absolute pathname argument, a literal
                         prefix comparison is made.  In case of a relative
                         pathname, the current working direct is examined.
                         This also implies that neither ".." nor symbolic
                         links will cause the namespace to be switched.

            "blanket"    A colon-separated list of rump path prefixes.  This
                         acts almost like "path" with the difference that the
                         prefix does not get removed when passing the path to
                         the rump kernel.  For example, if "path" is /rump,
                         accessing /rump/dev/bpf will cause /dev/bpf to be
                         accessed in the rump kernel.  In contrast, if
                         "blanket" contains /dev/bpf, accessing /dev/bpf will
                         cause an access to /dev/bpf in the rump kernel.

                         In case the current working directory is changed to a
                         blanketed directory, the current working directory
                         will still be reported with the rump prefix, if
                         available.  Note, though, that some shells cache the
                         directory and may report something else.  In case no
                         rump path prefix has been configured, the raw rump
                         directory is reported.

                         It is recommended to supply blanketed pathnames as
                         specific as possible, i.e. use /dev/bpf instead of
                         /dev unless necessary to do otherwise.  Also, note
                         that the blanket prefix does not follow directory
                         borders.  In other words, setting the blanket for
                         /dev/bpf means it is set for all pathnames with the
                         given prefix, not just ones in /dev.

            "socket"     The specifier value contains a colon-separated list
                         of which protocol families should be hijacked.  The
                         special value "all" can be specified as the first
                         element.  It indicates that all protocol families
                         should be hijacked.  Some can then be disabled by
                         prepending "no" to the name of the protocol family.

                         For example, "inet:inet6" specifies that only PF_INET
                         and PF_INET6 sockets should be hijacked, while
                         "all:noinet" specifies that all protocol families
                         except PF_INET should be hijacked.

            "vfs"        The specifier value contains a colon-separated list
                         of which vfs-related system calls should be hijacked.
                         These differ from the pathname-based file system
                         syscalls in that there is no pathname to make the
                         selection based on.  Current possible values are
                         "nfssvc", "getvfsstat", and "fhcalls".  They indicate
                         hijacking nfssvc(), getvfsstat(), and all file handle
                         calls, respectively.  The file handle calls include
                         fhopen(), fhstat(), and fhstatvfs1().

                         It is also possible to use "all" and "no" in the same
                         fashion as with the socket hijack specifier.

            "sysctl"     Direct the __sysctl() backend of the sysctl(3)
                         facility to the rump kernel.  Acceptable values are
                         "yes" and "no", meaning to call the rump or the host
                         kernel, respectively.

            "modctl"     Direct the modctl() call to the rump kernel.
                         Acceptable values are "yes" and "no", meaning to call
                         the rump or the host kernel, respectively.

            "fdoff"      Adjust the library's fd offset to the specified
                         value.  All rump kernel descriptors have the offset
                         added to them before they are returned to the
                         application.  This should be changed only if the
                         application defines a low non-default FD_SETSIZE for
                         select() or if it opens a very large number of file
                         descriptors.  The default value is 128.

            If the environment variable is unset, the default value
            "path=/rump,socket=all:nolocal" is used.  The rationale for this
            is to have networked X clients work out-of-the-box: X clients use
            local sockets to communicate with the server, so local sockets
            must be used as a host service.

            An empty string as a value means no calls are hijacked.

            Change how rumpclient(3) attempts to reconnect to the server in
            case the connection is lost.  Acceptable values are:

            "inftime"    retry indefinitely

            "once"       retry once, when that connection fails, give up

            "die"        call exit(3) if connection failure is detected

            n            Attempt reconnect for n seconds.  The value 0 means
                         reconnection is not attempted.  The value n must be a
                         positive integer.

            See rumpclient(3) for more discussion.

     Use an alternate TCP/IP stack for firefox with a persistent server

           $ setenv RUMP_SERVER unix:///tmp/tcpip
           $ setenv LD_PRELOAD /usr/lib/librumphijack.so
           $ setenv RUMPHIJACK_RETRYCONNECT inftime
           $ firefox

     ld.so(1), rump_server(1), rump(3), rumpclient(3), rump_sp(7)

NetBSD 10.99                   December 16, 2018                  NetBSD 10.99